
Content Review for works by Aislinn Archer

A note to readers: Works by Aislinn Archer are intended for an adult (18+) audience in locations where such material is permitted for possession and consumption by the individual reader. Reader discretion is strongly advised, and the author accepts no liability for material being possessed and/or consumed by other than the intended audience. If you have any concerns about content that might be disturbing to you or another intended reader or audience, please consult the content guide for each work, below. If you have any addition questions, please e-mail the author at Aislinn@AislinnArcher.com for further guidance before acquiring or reading this material.

The author's intent in her work is to depict realistic and complex characters dealing with complex relationships and life circumstances, amidst a fantastical world full of romance, magic and the music industry. The situations depicted are not intended to be particularly dark, nor angsty, nor are they intended to present a fully escapist reality in which nothing unpleasant or challenging ever happens. The main characters will all get their happily-ever-afters, but they will earn them, sometimes through emotional and other life challenges. We hope you find their stories all the more compelling for that, and their happily-ever-afters all the more worth savoring.

A note on the term "cheating" (Please Read)

For the purposes of this content review, cheating is defined herein as a person in a committed relationship

having a sexual or romantic relationship with a person other than the one they've exclusively committed to. Period.

(Need more details? Click here.)

Book cover for 'Once Upon a Dream' Mystic Beach Fantasy Rockstar Romance novel by Aislinn Archer, featuring long-haried man playing electirc guitar next to a microphone

Content review: 'Once Upon a Dream'

This work is intended for an adult (18+) audience, and reader discretion is strongly advised.

If any of the content of this work would be disturbing to you, or another intended reader, please do not read.

This work contains:

  • a brief depiction of an emotionally abusive spousal relationship;
  • a brief depiction of severe depression;
  • an “off-the-page” suicide, with minimal detail (professional assistance with mental health is encouraged in the story);
  • descriptions of sporadic incidents of bullying and body-shaming (this story includes an anti-bullying element and aims to reinforce body-positivity, and there is no depiction of disordered eating herein);
  • incidents of religious discrimination;
  • depictions of under-age drinking (sometimes to excess) and mild drug use;
  • references to sexual activities on the part of teenagers, with tacit encouragement from an adult parental figure for a teen to engage in such activities; and an incident of implied sexual contact between a teenager and a slightly older partner (within age-related legal limits);
  • depictions of recreational drinking (sometimes to excess);
  • depictions of the loss of a parent;
  • depictions of moderate emotionally abusive treatment by a parent;
  • depiction of an incident of questionable consent to minor sexual foreplay (under the influence of alcohol);
  • extensive depiction of a platonic, but physically affectionate relationship between the two main characters at times when one or both are involved in sexual and/or romantic relationships with other people (at no time during these other relationships are these main characters committed to each other in a romantic relationship);
  • references to serial adultery (not a main character);
  • Scenes of a graphic sexual nature are present throughout and, once again, this book is not recommended for anyone younger than 18.

If any of this content would be disturbing to you, please do not read.

Down to the Sea cover

Content review: 'Down to the Sea'

This work is intended for an adult (18+) audience, and reader discretion is strongly advised.

If any of the content of this work would be disturbing to you, or another intended reader, please do not read.

This work contains:

  • references to sporadic incidents of bullying and body-shaming (this story aims to reinforce body-positivity, and there is no depiction of disordered eating herein);
  • references to incidents of religious discrimination;
  • depictions of under-age drinking (sometimes to excess);
  • depictions of recreational drinking;
  • references to the loss of a parent;
  • references to incidents of emotionally abusive treatment by a parent;
  • references to the past loss of a parent (one to suicide, with related references to severe depression);
  • references to an incident of questionable consent to minor sexual foreplay (under the influence of alcohol);
  • extensive depiction of a nominally platonic, but physically affectionate relationship between one of the main characters and a secondary character at times when the main character is involved in a sexual and/or romantic relationship with the other main character;
  • depiction of the non-sexual, non-romantic interaction between one of the main characters and a former partner during the course of that main character's involvement with the other main character in this book, with the appearance of a possible continuing romantic and/or sexual relationship with the former partner, (at no time are either of the main characters actively involved in a committed romantic and/or sexual relationship with another character while simultaneiously being involved in a committed romantic and/or sexual relationship with the other main character);
  • references to past serial adultery (not involving a main character);
  • Scenes of a graphic sexual nature are present throughout and, once again, this book is not recommended for anyone younger than 18.

If any of this content would be disturbing to you, please do not read.

Dream Weaver cover

Content review: 'Dream Weaver'

This work is intended for an adult (18+) audience, and reader discretion is strongly advised.

If any of the content of this work would be disturbing to you, or another intended reader, please do not read.

This work contains:

  • sporadic incidents of bullying, cyberbullying, body-shaming and slut-shaming (this story features an anti-bullying message and aims to reinforce body-positivity);
  • references to religious discrimination;
  • incidents of recreational drinking (sometimes to excess);
  • references to the past loss of a parent (one to suicide, with related references to severe depression, and professional assistance in dealing with mental health is encouraged);
  • references to past emotionally abusive treatment by a parent;
  • depictions of a reality dating show involving one of the main characters dating multiple people at the same time;
  • depiction of a nominally platonic but physically affectionate relationship between the main characters at times when a main character is or was at least nominally involved in a sexual and/or romantic relationship with another character (at no time is either main character involved in a committed romantic and/or sexual relationship with another character while also involved in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with the other main character);
  • a reference to past serial adultery (not involving a main character);
  • Scenes of a graphic sexual nature are present throughout and, once again, this book is not recommended for anyone younger than 18.

If any of this content would be disturbing to you, please do not read.

Smoke on the Water cover

Content review: 'Smoke on the Water'

This work is intended for an adult (18+) audience, and reader discretion is strongly advised.

If any of the content of this work would be disturbing to you, or another intended reader, please do not read.

This work contains:

  • scenes of unwanted sexual advances and harassment (no sexual assault occurs);
  • scenes of threats made to loved-ones' lives and safety;
  • incidents of recreational drinking (sometimes to excess);
  • incidents of sexism, nepotism and workplace discrimination;
  • scenes of consensual sexual activity in the workplace (in private);
  • scenes of physical threats and violence, including the violent death of a dangerous adversary;
  • multiple near-death experiences and an emotional trauma with risk of fatal consequences;
  • Scenes of a graphic sexual nature are present throughout and, once again, this book is not recommended for anyone younger than 18.

If any of this content would be disturbing to you, please do not read.

Remind Me cover

Content review: 'Remind Me'

This work is intended for an adult (18+) audience, and reader discretion is strongly advised.

If any of the content of this work would be disturbing to you, or another intended reader, please do not read.

This work contains:

  • descriptions (non-explicit) of an incident of suspected cheating (Please see the note on cheating on this page; but with this story, in particular, keep in mind that appearances can be deceiving and assumptions can change a life. Reading this story with an open mind and reserving judgment is encouraged.)
  • depictions of under-age drinking (sometimes to excess) and mild drug use;
  • references to sexual activities on the part of teenagers, and an incident of implied sexual contact between a teenager and a slightly older partner (within age-related legal limits);
  • depictions of recreational drinking (sometimes to excess);
  • depiction of a potential "revenge porn" scenario (no explicit images are posted by the other partner);
  • depiction of a scenario in which adults are magically influenced and engaged in public displays of affection (and a bit more), as well as in arguments and other emotional behavior;
  • references to the loss of parents and grandparents;
  • reference to an incident of near-drowning of a secondary character;
  • tongue-in-cheek references to murder by shovel and burying a body in a swamp;
  • reference to a family history of homelessness and drug addiction in regards to a secondary character.
  • Scenes of a graphic sexual nature are present throughout and, once again, this book is not recommended for anyone younger than 18.

If any of this content would be disturbing to you, please do not read.

Content review: 'Mad World'

This work is intended for an adult (18+) audience, and reader discretion is strongly advised.

If any of the content of this work would be disturbing to you, or another intended reader, please do not read.

This work contains:

  • descriptions of a widow's attraction to another man (a college crush when the couple met, and later a serious relationship after the husband's death). (Please see the note on cheating on this page.)
  • depictions of recreational drinking (sometimes to excess);
  • depictions of a person taking medication prescribed to them that is also a controlled substance;
  • depictions of single-parenthood after the sudden loss of a spouse;
  • depictions of parenting a child on the autism spectrum;
  • depictions of life as a person with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD);
  • an incident of potential drowning of an adult and a child (no one drowns);
  • an incident of near-miss by lightning and references to a near-miss by a falling tree;
  • a tongue-in-cheek reference to murder by shovel and burying a body in a swamp;
  • depictions of incidents of harassment by paparazzi;
  • depictions of incidents of religious persecution;
  • depictions of a same-sex relationship;
  • depictions of an adopted child seeking to reconnect with his roots (including Native American);
  • a depiction of mild (affectionate, brotherly) roughhousing and a mild physical response in anger (no injuries);
  • oblique reference to a secondary character's family history of physical and emotional child abuse, homelessness and drug addiction;
  • Scenes of a graphic sexual nature are present throughout and, once again, this book is not recommended for anyone younger than 18.

If any of this content would be disturbing to you, please do not read.

Content review: 'The Wedding Album'

This work is intended for an adult (18+) audience, and reader discretion is strongly advised.

If any of the content of this work would be disturbing to you, or another intended reader, please do not read.

This work contains:

  • descriptions of a widow's attraction to another man (a college crush when the couple met, and later a serious relationship after the husband's death).
  • depictions of recreational drinking (sometimes to excess);
  • a tongue-in-cheek reference to murder by shovel and burying a body in a swamp;
  • depictions of incidents of harassment by paparazzi;
  • depictions of incidents of religious persecution;
  • references to past incidents of bullying, cyberbullying, body-shaming and slut-shaming (this story features an anti-bullying message and aims to reinforce body-positivity);
  • references to religious discrimination;
  • incidents of recreational drinking (sometimes to excess);
  • references to the past loss of a parent (one to suicide, with related references to severe depression, and professional assistance in dealing with mental health is encouraged);
  • references to past emotionally abusive treatment by a parent;
  • references to the past, in which one of the main characters dated multiple people at the same time;
  • references to a past sexual (friends-with-benefits) relationship with a secondary character that took place while the main characters were officially just friends (See the note on cheating on this page.)
  • a reference to past serial adultery (not involving a main character);
  • characters attending therapy with a professional mental health counselor;
  • characters interacting with those who have emotionally abused them or had painful emotional relationships with them in the past;
  • oblique reference to a secondary character's family history of physical and emotional child abuse, homelessness and drug addiction;
  • death of a parent (not unwelcome);
  • a severe storm that causes isolation;
  • a suggestion of physical threat to secondary characters;
  • Scenes of a graphic sexual nature are present throughout and, once again, this book is not recommended for anyone younger than 18.

If any of this content would be disturbing to you, please do not read.

Content review: 'Mad World'

This work is intended for an adult (18+) audience, and reader discretion is strongly advised.

If any of the content of this work would be disturbing to you, or another intended reader, please do not read.

This work contains:

  • depictions of a physical and sexual assault, and recovery therefrom, with assistance from mental health professionals and trained counselors, and including advocacy for survivors;
  • depictions of threatening behavior from an unknown suspect;
  • references to a loss of fertility due to the long-term effects of a sexual assault;
  • depictions of physical self-defense in several situations, including use of a weapon;
  • a tongue-in-cheek reference to murder by shovel and burying a body in a swamp;
  • oblique reference to a secondary character's family history of physical and emotional child abuse, homelessness and drug addiction;
  • depictions of consensual restraint in a sexual context;
  • depiction of a kidnapping, including non-consensual restraint, a weapon and mild injury;
  • Scenes of a graphic sexual nature are present throughout and, once again, this book is not recommended for anyone younger than 18.

If any of this content would be disturbing to you, please do not read.

Good Golly Miss Molly cover

Content review: 'Good Golly Miss Molly'

This work is intended for an adult (18+) audience, and reader discretion is strongly advised.

If any of the content of this work would be disturbing to you, or another intended reader, please do not read.

This work contains:

  • references to a supernatural being whose romantic involvement with others can come with (eventually) lethal consequences;
  • references to addiction as a parallel for a unique physical condition;
  • characters with facial/physical differences or "disfigurements," one due to burn injuries and the other apparently having been born with that appearance (societal prejudices against people with physical differences are referenced, but both experience acceptance and appreciation from other characters in the story);
  • references to physical and emotional trauma for a character who survived a past incident involving burn injuries; and
  • references to a character ostricized due to their nature and/or appearance.
  • Scenes of a graphic sexual nature are present throughout and, once again, this book is not recommended for anyone younger than 18.

If any of this content would be disturbing to you, please do not read.

Here Comes the Sun cover

Content review: 'Here Comes the Sun'

If any of the content of this work would be disturbing to you, or another intended reader, please do not read.

This work contains:

  • depictions of incidents of mild child-on-child bullying (ages 6-7) (the story features an anti-bullying theme).

If any of this content would be disturbing to you, please do not read.

Content review: 'Building a Mystery'

If any of the content of this work would be disturbing to you, or another intended reader, please do not read.

This bonus chapter contains:

  • References to past emotional trauma and the loss of a spouse.
  • References to a nude photo of a man (not explicitly described).
  • Scenes of a graphic sexual nature are present throughout and, once again, this book is not recommended for anyone younger than 18.

If any of this content would be disturbing to you, please do not read.


Content review: 'Centerfold'

If any of the content of this work would be disturbing to you, or another intended reader, please do not read.

This bonus short story contains:

  • Depiction of a committed couple briefly discussing and agreeing not to pursue parenthood at this time.
  • Depiction of a nude "boudoir" photo shoot where one partner accidentally exposes himself to the photographer, followed by a spontaneous nude photo shoot during which an act of a sexual nature takes place in front of the camera.
  • Scenes of a graphic sexual nature are present, and, once again, this book is not recommended for anyone younger than 18.

If any of this content would be disturbing to you, please do not read.

Content review: 'An Ocean Apart'

If any of the content of this work would be disturbing to you, or another intended reader, please do not read.

This work contains:

  • References to past emotional trauma and rejection by a parent on religious grounds.
  • References to the loss of a parent.
  • A depiction of an unplanned pregnancy and single-parenthood.
  • Scenes of a graphic sexual nature are present, and, once again, this book is not recommended for anyone younger than 18.

If any of this content would be disturbing to you, please do not read.

More details on my definition of "cheating"

For purposes of clarity: Other people may choose to define "cheating" differently, even to the extent of considering it "cheating" if the character is a widow/widower who still has deep feelings for their late spouse but is pursuing a possible relationship with a new (living) person. That is NOT the definition of "cheating" in use here, across the series. If a commitment does not exist, cheating cannot occur. Period.

Characters in this series may be the object of someone's affection without being obligated to restrict their intimacy only to that person. We will not label them cheaters if they date others. They are free to do that, because the character crushing on them is responsible for their own feelings, rather than the object of the crush being restricted by it. We reject a double standard that suggests that women can claim an uncommitted love interest is cheating in a circumstance when a man claiming the same thing about a woman he is interested in would get a scathing response from most women and raise alarms about stalking and potentially violent incel behavior. Until and unless characters have agreed to commit to an exclusive relationship, they will not be a labeled cheaters for being involved with other characters. Period.

The characters in this series are, again, intended to be largely realistic. They will play the field. They will have one-night stands, sometimes with multiple partners. (They are rockstars, not accountants, as one reader commented.) They may have a friends-with-benefits agreement. They may be in love with (but not in a relationship with) one person and be currently involved with someone else. They will get into relationships and break up, and sometimes they'll reunite with the same person. And they may date others in between. Or they may be serial monogamists. They may be dating multiple people at the same time, but with the consent and knowledge of all parties involved. They may even be involved in committed relationships with multiple people at the same time, with consent given by all parties. None of these scenarios will be considered "cheating" for the purposes of these content reviews, nor within the vernacular of the series. Period.

If you do find any of the above scenarios to be "cheating" and are offended by that, please do not read these books. You likely will not enjoy them, and your response may dissuade other readers from reading a book they might enjoy, since their definition of cheating is different from yours.

Additionally, in one or more circumstances in this series, there may be an appearance of cheating. Keep in mind that appearances can be deceiving, even when one of the characters involved may have good reason to believe there has been cheating, as either the cheater or the one potentially being cheated upon. SPOILERS (highlight or copy/paste to read): None of the main characters in this series have or ever will cheat. If you have specific questions about certain characters, plotlines or other content you might find disturbing, please email the author at aislinn@aislinnarcher.com, and she will do her best to answer those questions while limiting spoilers. Thank you!